Family in town–Dec 2009
We had family come to town the week of December 6th through 9th. What a great time we had. Mike and Phyllis drove up from Sonoma, California. Monty and Sammy drove up from Las Vegas. And Terry flew in from Southern California.
Mike and his sons and Terry and his son Greg all went snow boarding Monday and we had a big family dinner that evening. The weather was unusually cold–in the single digits.
On Tuesday evening I had wanted to go to Temple Square to see the lights, but it was way too cold to be outdoors. So Mike, Phyllis, Monty, Sam, Steve and I all went to dinner at Spaghetti Mama’s and to a movie. Monty had suggested we see the new movie, Blind Side, and it was really a feel-good movie. Real good.
Terry left for home Tuesday morning and the boys left Wednesday morning. Monty had some car trouble on the way home, but made it home ok. Mike and Phyllis left Thursday morning and had a good trip home. It was sad to say goodbye to everyone. The real life is when we are family together. I have a really neat family.